Business Marketing Toolkit

Use the following resources to highlight your Grateful Giving initiatives on your website, social media account, or any marketing materials and communications.

Grateful Logos

main grateful logo grateful giving red heart and black text

Full Logo - Dark

Download: PNG, SVG
grateful logo white with heart svg

Full Logo - White

Download: PNG, SVG
given logo mark

Logo Mark - Red

Download: PNG, SVG

Logo Mark - White

Download: PNG, SVG


Example text for your website:

“We are pleased to partner with Grateful, an innovative digital platform that empowers socially good businesses to support charities and causes that matter most to their customers and employees. Grateful Card recipients can pick from more than 1.5 million 501(c)(3) charities to direct their donation gift.”

Website Badge

proudly giving with grateful logo black and white logo
Color PNG, SVG  |  White PNG, SVG


Customers & Employees

Download: PNG

Customers Only

Download: PNG

Employees Only

Download: PNG

General Red

Download: PNG

General Gray

Download: PNG


Quick Start Checklist

Grateful Marketing Toolkit

Cause Marketing Examples

Customer Use Case Study

Employee Use Case Study

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